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Library Education

Webinar: Forget Hogwarts: Bringing Coding to Your Library Doesn't Have to Be Wizardry

In this free one-hour webinar, Luke Miller helps you learn how to run a coding program at your public library.

Webinar: Forget Hogwarts: Bringing Coding to Your Library Doesn't Have to Be Wizardry

Originally presented April 10, 2024

Too many libraries feel intimidated and overwhelmed when it comes to offering computer programming (coding) education to your patrons. In this webinar Luke Miller teaches the skills you need so anyone can run a coding program, even if you don't know how to code! Come to learn the model being used in thousands of library coding programs around the world and walk away with a free resource kit to empower any library to start its own coding program.

Click the video below to access the recording, slides, and transcripts.

When you continue past the introduction to the webinar, you'll be prompted to log in. We require login to view the whole tutorial so we can provide certificates of completion for your records and for professional development credit. No purchase is required and you can create a Niche Academy account if you don't already have one. The certificate will be available for download when you have completed all sections of the tutorial.  



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