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Library Marketing

Webinar: The “Marketing Funnel” Approach to Customer Engagement

In this webinar, Cordelia Anderson looks at the "marketing funnel" approach to library customer engagement, and explores how libraries lose and keep customers.

Webinar: The “Marketing Funnel” Approach to Customer Engagement

Originally presented May 19, 2021

Most of us who work in marketing in libraries spend our time thinking about how to promote library programs, services and collections. We create and share messaging across platforms such as email, social media, website, news media and more. But have you ever paused to think about the many ways your customers interact with your library outside of your promotional messaging?

In most libraries, the policies, procedures and processes that dictate the customer experience are managed separately from marketing. But they shouldn’t be! After all, your marketing messages are promising an experience that your library has to deliver. If you’re going to keep your marketing promises, you need to think holistically, looking at every customer touchpoint from when they first become aware of your library to when they use your service. That’s where the “marketing funnel” comes in. 

Join Cordelia Anderson, APR, to learn about the traditional concept of the “marketing funnel” to look at the ways that libraries get, keep, and sometimes lose customers. Cordelia talks about the stages of the funnel, the ways that customers move through the funnel, and some of the “holes” that cause us to lose customers along the way. Finally, she discusses strategies to close these holes and increase customer engagement for your library, making your marketing more effective. 

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Click the link below to download the presentation slides:
Marketing Funnel Slides

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