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Library Education

Webinar: Cultivating and Sustaining the Relationship-Driven Library

In this free one-hour webinar, Noah Lenstra shares tips for finding partners, cultivating relationships, and making an impact in library services.

Webinar: Cultivating and Sustaining the Relationship-Driven Library

Originally presented February 14, 2024

We all know that teamwork makes the dream work, but what does that actually mean for the day-to-day work of librarianship? Cultivating and sustaining the relationship-driven library has four steps: 1) planting the seeds of partnership, 2) nurturing co-developed ideas, 3) harvesting and celebrating accomplishments, and 4) resting and preparing for future partnerships. 

Join Noah Lenstra for this webinar on building the relationship-driven library. You’ll leave this session with renewed confidence in your ability to find partners, cultivate working relationships with them, and keep relationships fresh and impactful, as well as how to tactfully step back from relationships that aren’t working the way you hoped they would. Finally, you’ll learn how to advocate for the time you need for this process.

Click below to experience this webinar as a tutorial. When you continue past the introduction to the webinar, you'll be prompted to log in. We require login to view the whole tutorial so we can provide certificates of completion for your records and for professional development credit. No purchase is required and you can create a Niche Academy account if you don't already have one. The certificate will be available for download when you have completed all sections of the tutorial.  

Niche Academy Webinar - Cultivating The Relationship-Driven Library

Click the links below for more resources:

Cultivating and Sustaining the Relationship-Driven Library Slides
Cultivating and Sustaining the Relationship-Driven Library Chat Transcript
Cultivating and Sustaining the Relationship-Driven Library Audio Transcript 
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