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Organizational Health

Evaluating and Improving Your Organizational Health

Innovative and resilient organizations share some common attributes like belonging, mentorship, meaning, vision, recognition, and satisfaction.

Evaluating and Improving Your Organizational Health

The best research on organizational health indicates that innovative and resilient organizations share some common attributes. Organizations that don't share these attributes, by contrast, tend to have higher turnover, more resource waste, resistance to needed change, and generally make people unhappy.

The Niche Academy organizational health survey provides a quick way to take the pulse of your health. Each person who takes the quiz will have a unique perspective and the results may vary widely from person to person. Here you'll find a brief explanation of each of the attributes measured in the quiz and why they are essential to organizational health.


This is a fundamental human need. Curiously, it does not emerge as a product of visible or obvious similarities among co-workers. It emerges from intentional efforts to cultivate rapport and warm relationships that bridge differences between colleagues. It emerges from deliberate attention to individual perceptions. It can happen between peers without active efforts by leadership, but it will only be pervasive when leadership measures and cultivates it.

Career Path

This measures the connection between personal goals and the work required by the organization. People produce their best work when there is a strong connection between the work they do and their personal ambitions. This connection can be strong when a person feels like they are acquiring important skills for some future opportunity or when the work environment makes space for personal priorities outside of work. The connection does not have to be linear, though. A job can also have a strong connection to personal ambitions by simply providing income that allows them to pursue other priorities like schooling, for example.


Employees get effective mentorship when their immediate manager is aware of their personal goals and supports them. This needs to be true even if their personal goals lie outside the organization. This support will allow them to do their best work for the time they remain with the organization.


The test of effective communication is whether difficult situations like conflicts and broken processes can be addressed without retribution and in a way that leads to resolution. This is not the default nature of organizational dynamics and does not happen by accident. Creating an environment that allows this requires clear invitations, modeling by management, and proactive inquiry.


People feel that their work is meaningful when there is a clear and causal connection between their daily work and the goals of the organization. Meaning is an essential component of personal motivation. A person can feel their work is meaningful even if the goals of the organization are not the same as their personal goals.


To connect their own work to the goals of the organization, people need to know what the organization’s goals are. Knowing those goals, they can see their own work as evidence that the organization is making progress towards those goals.


People have a basic need for consistent and authentic affirmation that their work has value. This affirmation can come from peers, but it particularly needs to come from managers. It can range from formal awards to passing compliments and expressions of appreciation. It works best when it’s timely and varied over time.


The culture of a workplace has more impact on work enjoyment than the particular circumstances of the workplace. Even difficult circumstances can serve to catalyze camaraderie and human bonding if the culture allows it. Hence, work enjoyment is the single most reliable barometer of workplace culture.

Niche Academy provides training and tools to help organizations build and maintain healthy cultures. It includes training on establishing mentorships, conflict resolution, creating feedback loops, guiding effective conversations, and much more. Schedule a demo if you'd like to see how it works.

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