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Library Education

Webinar: ConnectED: An Academic Library Program Designed to Support and Engage Students

In this free one-hour webinar, Barb Eshbach presents how one academic library developed a program to provide experiences designed to engage students.

Webinar: ConnectED: An Academic Library Program Designed to Support and Engage Students

Originally presented August 18, 2021

How can an academic library foster conditions that help students become academically and socially engaged?

Experience some of the creativity and fun of the ConnectED program with Barb Eshbach as she presents how one academic library developed a program to provide out-of-classroom experiences designed to do just that.

Considering how to make ConnectED a library program (set apart from other events and activities students can participate in on campus), it was decided to frame the program in terms of the five literacies (basic, information, civic and social, health, and financial) of PA Forward, a statewide initiative of the Pennsylvania Library Association.

Some ConnectED programs were developed for academic engagement: helping students develop skills and strategies to improve their academic competence and confidence, leading them to become more engaged in their coursework and improving the quality of their academic experience.

ConnectED social engagement events included opportunities for informative, relevant, and authentic learning experiences as well as activities that were purely social, for the purpose of having fun and connecting with others.

Click below to experience this webinar as a tutorial. When you continue past the introduction to the webinar, you'll be prompted to log in. We require login to view the whole tutorial so we can provide certificates of completion for your records and for professional development credit. No purchase is required and you can create a Niche Academy account if you don't already have one. The certificate will be available for download when you have completed all sections of the tutorial.  


Click the link below to download the presentation handout:
ConnectED Handout

Click the link below to visit the ConnectED website: 
ConnectED: A Penn State York Library First-Year Experience

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