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Addressing Recruiting Challenges

Fostering a healthy organization is critical to overcoming the recruiting challenges many organizations have been facing. Learn more.

Addressing Recruiting Challenges

Tell me if this sounds familiar: Over the last few years, you’ve had colleagues leave your organization who have been difficult to replace. 

The difficulty is not just the skills and institutional knowledge that walked out the door, it’s the fact that qualified candidates have other employment options that pay more. 

Inflation is top of mind for many prospective employees, so even small wage differences can be a big deal. You can’t price match because your organization’s budget is set by forces beyond your influence. And you certainly can’t control inflation.

If this resonates, you’re not alone. Many of our customers have been struggling with recruiting for a while. Challenges like inflation, budget constraints, and a full-employment economy may seem insurmountable. But, there is an approach to the recruiting problem that can help you in the near term, and set your organization up for long-term success. Interested? Read on.

The Answer to Your Recruiting Problems

The solution isn’t found in a killer ad on or a bigger budget. Instead, the key is in the culture of your organization. And your organizational culture is something you CAN control—maybe not overnight, but over time. Here’s how this works. 

Happy current employees are also your best recruiters. They tend to know people like themselves, and a glowing recommendation from a credible friend is more compelling than even the best-written job posting.

The Keys to Building a Healthy Organizational Culture

What makes an organizational culture healthy? People in a healthy organization:

  • Feel like they belong
  • Believe their job is taking them where they want to go
  • Experience mentorship
  • Can communicate honestly, even about hard topics
  • Know how their work contributes to the future of the organization
  • Understand the near and long term vision of the organization
  • Are recognized for their work
  • Enjoy their work


Healthy organizations attract the best people. They also happen to be innovative and resilient. They tend to solve problems more quickly and adapt to changing circumstances.

So building a healthy organizational culture is not just your best strategy for addressing recruiting problems in our current economic conditions. It’s the best approach to whatever is coming next. Healthy organizations deal with problems honestly and make it safe for people to try creative ideas. Healthy organizations are ready for the changes no one can predict.

Learn More About Niche Academy

If you’ve been facing fundamental existential challenges to fully realizing your organizational mission, Niche Academy can help. Niche Academy provides training in essential leadership and organizational health skills. We help leaders learn, for example, how to have difficult conversations, establish workplace mentorships, and create equitable and inclusive workplaces where people feel like they belong. We also provide a platform to effectively deliver that training. 

Reach out below if you’d like a free walkthrough of the organizational health tutorials offered by Niche Academy. If you’re not ready for a demo, you can also simply set up a free trial for yourself.

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